Okay, I admit that the name of the TaylorMade Rossa Corza Ghost putter is a little long, but that doesn’t mean it’s a bad putter. I hadn’t tried any of TaylorMade’s white “Ghost” putters for a while and this one’s been a pretty hot seller, so I decided to find out what the Rossa Corza Ghost putter is all about.
I was able to get my hands on one, so I gave it a good test by taking it out for a few rounds. Here’s some information about the TaylorMade Rossa Corza Ghost putter along with my impressions of how it performed on the greens.
The TaylorMade Rossa Corza Ghost putter is another installment in a long series of white-headed clubs the company has been focusing on for the past three or four years. It made its first “appearance” in 2010, and of course, the white color of the head is responsible for the “Ghost” part of its name.
TaylorMade has been making white-headed clubs for a few different reasons. When a matte-white finish is used on the heads of drivers, fairway woods, hybrids and putters, the company believes proper alignment is made easier and the distracting “hot spots” and glare that can caused by bright sunlight are reduced or eliminated. With respect to putters specifically, TaylorMade believes the white finish also stands out from the green background of the putting surface and helps golfers focus better on their stance, alignment and putting stroke. I’m not sure if white heads truly are more effective or it’s all just marketing hype, but I do know that TaylorMade is selling an awful lot of white-headed clubs. I also know it takes a little while to get used to seeing a white putter (or driver, wood or hybrid for that matter).
I actually did think it was pretty easy to aim the putter, but personally, I think it had more to do with the head’s black aiming lines than its white finish. There are three of them, and they’re evenly spaced, with the central line pointed directly at the center of the face. Being black, these three aiming lines contrast with the white head and draw your attention. When the ball is positioned at the center of the face, the two outer aiming lines frame it perfectly.
The three black alignment lines aren’t the only alignment aids used by the TaylorMade Rossa Corza Ghost putter, however. You can also use the circular hole at the rear of the head (directly behind the mid-line of the face) to help you square the face and line up your putts. You simply visually “connect” the hole with the ball. It’s a little like the optics of the Odyssey Two-Ball putters. The alignment lines will help some golfers, while the hole will help others. But at least with the TaylorMade Rossa Corza Ghost putter, you have both options. Personally, I thought the alignment lines were more effective than the hole at the rear of the head.
This is a high-MOI (Moment of Inertia) mallet, and it’s designed to resist twisting and turning at impact. I thought the head was pretty stable throughout my stroke, although not quite as rock-solid as the Rife IMO putter I review on another page of this site. But, the Corza Ghost has a much better feel and gives you more feedback than the IMO – it was very solid and reassuring, while the IMO was muted.
The great feel and feedback of the TaylorMade Rossa Corza Ghost putter might be at least partially due to its AGSI+ (Anti-Skid Groove System Insert) Technology. Basically, it’s a face insert with 14 polymer-filled grooves that are intended to grab the ball momentarily and then give it an immediate forward spin for a more accurate, smoother roll. Although I preferred the smoothness of the roll I got from the RIFE IMO and RIFE Deep Blue putters I tested not long ago, the TaylorMade Rossa Corza Ghost putter didn’t lag far behind and I didn’t see any hopping or skidding during my putts.
It didn’t take me long to get used to putting with the Corza Ghost. It felt comfortable and it almost aligned itself. My lag putts came close, and most of my shorter putts either went in or burned the edge.
The Bottom Line: The TaylorMade Rossa Corza Ghost putter is a solid performer with good feel and feedback, and it might help a lot of golfers. It’s easy to line up and it puts a smooth roll on the ball, so if you read the breaks correctly, you’ve won most of the battle. All in all, I’d say it’s the kind of ghost you’d like to have with you out on the greens.
From the TaylorMade Rossa Corza Ghost putter to other TaylorMade putter reviews.
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